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A Fatal Chapter (A Booktown Mystery) - Lorna Barrett

I have followed the Booktown Mysteries since the very first book. (Being a reviewer, I sometimes start well into the middle of a series). In my recent review of book 8, BOOK CLUBBED, I declared it to be the best in the Booktown series. It was best. That was before A FATAL CHAPTER blew it out of the water!


The action started almost immediately and only slowed long enough for me to catch a breath before it was back to the edge of my recliner seat reading.


After nine books, the characters in this series feel like old friends, and some them old enemies. ;-). In A FATAL CHAPTER author Lorna Barrett really took all of them and me on an emotional rollercoaster ride. Without giving spoilers let me just say…things have changed for many of the regular characters. Big things. When reading the exciting, action packed reveal, my mouth was literally handing open.


Fans of this series are truly in for a great read!


And remember to keeping reading once the story is done so you don’t miss out on the six delicious recipes at the back of the book!